Top Tips for Nervous Dental Patients

A trip to the dentist is a nerve wracking experience for a lot of people. There’s the worry that you might require further treatment which means terrifying things like injections and drills, or an embarrassing lecture about how you’re eating far too many sweets and clearly aren’t brushing your teeth correctly.

Dental Assistant

  1. Dentists deal with nervous patients day in day out. From patients who are merely a bit apprehensive to patients who have a panic attack at the more mention of the word “dentist” and have to be practically dragged into the chair. Dentists are used to these patients and know exactly how to deal with them and make them feel at ease.
  2. Technology is advancing continually, and modern dental treatments are becoming more and more comfortable. The stereotypical dentists that you read about in books from back in the day are a thing of the past.
  3. The procedure can be explained to you before it takes place, and your dentist can give you a step by step walk through as the procedure is being performed. It’s good to fully understand what is happening, as confusion can be very unsettling.
  4. If you are feeling especially nervous, medication such as diazepam can be used to relax you. Of course make sure to go easy on these medications and only use them when really necessary as overuse can be very dangerous.
  5. It’s usually a good idea to inform the dentist of your fears before booking an appointment. This means they can be prepared for your arrival and ensure that you are made to feel as relaxed as possible.
  6. Practise relaxation techniques before your appointment. Listen to soothing music, try deep breathing or any other relaxation techniques you may have.
  7. Try not to think about the appointment too much. Obviously not so much that you forget it, but the more time you spend thinking “what if” the more nervous you are likely to get. Often it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment for first thing in the morning, before the stresses of the day add up.
  8. Visit the studio before your appointment. This way you can familiarise yourself with the surroundings which will make it less daunting when you visit for your appointment.

At the Parkway Clinic in Swansea, nervous patients can be guaranteed the best possible experience, and that they will be made to feel comfortable and at ease. A variety of techniques are offered, such as local anaesthesia dentistry, general anaesthesia dentistry or sedation dentistry.

Many patients prefer not to be conscious during their treatment, and methods such as these can make you feel comfortable with little memory of the treatment you received.

You can be assured that you will be treated with respect, understanding and compassion at all times. The skills and expertise of the dental staff at the clinic mean that you will be in the best possible hands when you come to pay us  a visit.\

  1. will give you more information with regards to the studio itself, as well as what it can offer you as a nervous patient.


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